The host, her stepfather, was a Herod we'll call Antipas, (not as high as a King) and the hostess, her mother, was named Herodias (a former Queen, divorced from her 1st husband, Phillip, a King, and now married to a mere Tetrarch, ... Augustus (of the Cleopatra story) had handled the apportioning of Antipas' father's enormous estate when he, known as Herod the Great, died. Antipas was not happy with the way Poppa's estate was apportioned, felt he had gotten the short ...
News and updates from Estates Gazette's Focus team ... If you click on the continue reading link there's a list of the top ten cities, the biggest fallers (the north west and east midlands features heavily at the top of this) and the biggest winners. But back to 1997, the year of Austin Powers and Teletubbies at number one. Since then the North West has fared the best up from eigth to fourth place but Scotland has slid down the rankings the most. ...
Koniec tego długoterminowego kryzysu bnadejdzie/b dopiero, gdy pieniądza będzie zdecydowanie mniej, a bilanse rządów mocno zadłużone. Na razie nie ma konieczności wprowadzania zasadniczych zmian, które istotnie musiałyby naruszyć wpływy b....../b?In the middle of June 2005, his superiors told him to take a week's bvacation/b. ? Before the week was up, he was unceremoniously fired, and the investigation was scuttled.? [..] The removal of all restrictions on the banks and the ...